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Northland Outdoors

Applications for the so-called “Big 3” hunting seasons must be submitted before midnight, March 26, the North Dakota Game and Fish Department said in a reminder.
The arrival of spring in North Dakota is a slow and steady process, a dance of nature unfolding over weeks, if not months.
Participants need only a 4-inch diameter rain gauge and access to the internet.
Pandemic or not, fish are going to spawn when nature’s calendar tells them to spawn; pike first, followed by walleyes.


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To get an event in the Outdoors Calendar, contact Brad Dokken at (701) 780-1148, (800) 477-6572 ext. 1148 or by email at bdokken@gfherald.com. Deadline is 5 p.m. Wednesdays.
Webcast includes discussion about fish populations, water levels and much more as anglers begin to set their sights on open water fishing.
The bill passed both chambers of the North Dakota Legislature on nearly unanimous votes.
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People turned to the outdoors and activities such as fishing, hiking and birdwatching for solace and sanity during the darkest days of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Mild temperatures and a high fuel load in the river bottoms are a cause for concern, in addition to being a high-use area for anglers, campers and other outdoor recreationists.
The 2025-26 small game, fishing and furbearer licenses are effective April 1, 2025 to March 31, 2026.


Temperatures will flip from seasonable to mild and back again this weekend, with a chance for a few showers and flurries by the end of the day Sunday.
“North Dakota Outdoors” host Mike Anderson visits with Game and Fish waterfowl biologist Mike Szymanski for a preview.
Gray wolves, listed as threatened in Minnesota, have spent time on and off the Endangered Species Act. Now, legislation could permanently remove these protections and require a hunting season.